Showing posts with label holistic health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label holistic health. Show all posts

What is Mindfulness? PLR

What is Mindfulness PLR

What you will get in this mindfulness PLR

You will get  the following basic advice and strategies:

  • an explanation of what mindfulness is
  • what are mindfulness actions and where to begin
  • explanation of intuition and intentions
  • emotions and mindfulness
  • thoughts and mindfulness
  • breathing in mindfulness
  • the physical body 
  • relationships 
  • mindfulness and disorders
  • stress and anger and their impact
  • ADHD and its impact
  • mental illness
  • moods
  • pain, medical and sleep disorders 
  • how to track your progress 
You can get your Mindfulness PLR pack here

Mindfulness PLR

The Top Ways To Use This PLR program:

  • lead magnet for building or nurturing your list
  • bonus content for your products
  • membership-a new item for members
  • digital product for sale on your website
  • sales funnel-use as part of a sales funnel
  • coaching- as a module or handout for clients
I hope you find this Mindfulness PLR pack useful, either for your personal use or as a content blogger or coach.

Natural home remedies

The big book of home remedies

What is the Big Book of Home Remedies about?

 If you are interested in home remedies that have been used by generations then this book may suit you.

If you are interested in more natural ways to heal or optimize your health, then this book will be a valuable resource for you.

If you want to rely less on the pharmaceutical industry, this book is for you.

“The Big Book of Home Remedies” A Fit and Healthy Life the Natural Way

It also comes with this huge bonus of 418 articles that you can use for your own use, or as PLR if you are in the wellness niche and want to share or sell articles and blog posts to your community.


It's a complete A-Z Guide with nearly 2000 homemade natural remedies for your ailments now and the future!


Home remedies you will find in it-just some examples.


Common Ailments

Asthma: Page 22

Pink Eye: Page 90

Hair Growth: Page 107

Urinary Infection: Page 237

Sore Throat: Page 221

Hypertension: Page 124

This is an encyclopedia of Natural Homemade Remedies. 

You can get on track to a healthier, fulfilling life regardless of any little illness and do so naturally.

 Natural homemade health remedies are exactly what they state, natural remedies to make you feel better. 

Apart from leaving you feeling healthier and fitter, they are cheaper than a Doctor’s fee.

Every condition comes with a natural solution, with images to match your condition.

If you are seeking a natural, quick solution to your condition without using synthetic painkillers, this book will serve as your bible.

Do you suffer from eyestrain, dry eye, and migraines from hours of computer use? You can get relief by using blue light blocking sunglasses.  Just pop them over your reading glasses.

 Why Natural Remedies?

My own childhood memories were of my mother using natural remedies as the first 'go-to' resource. 

I am of Hungarian origin and we had an old lady boarding with us when my family was in Europe.

She would go out each day and forage in the woods and then use the plants to make teas and tinctures. 

My mother said she was never ill and she died well into her nineties of natural causes.

My mother would make poultices, salves and special teas for us when we had various ailments- and they worked! 

When my husband was very ill constantly, I researched more natural ways to help with his Crohn's as he refused to take to medicine that he was given.

The medicine is very harsh and his doctor had said that once you start taking it, you must take it for life as it is dangerous to stop.  

I bought him Slippery Elm. He became ill in his 30's and he is now 70 and, while we were still married for another approximately 15 years, he only took Slippery Elm and was well. 

I was bitten by sandflies and found out that I was highly allergic to them. 

Both my ankles were a mess. Swollen, red, bleeding, and crusty. I was so embarrassed.

After 16 years of strong pharmacetucial creams (steroid type which burnt my skin), medicines to cope with the intense itching and allow me some sleep, and many topical creams from the chemist, I finally found the simplest remedy of all.

Coconut oil! As soon as I rubbed it on my ankles, the itch subsided until it stopped altogether.

I can now sleep well at night, wear dresses, and sit on the couch without scratching!


Bonus-415 free health articles
Get this bonus with your purchase of the book "The Big Book of Home Remedies"415+ free articles.

Why should you trust natural remedies?

Natural remedies are the wisdom passed down through the generations. 

We benefit from their learning as they did not have chemists. They learnt by trial and error and passed this information down to the following generations.

Natural Remedies have been the main medicine in China for over 2500 years, take a look at Acupuncture.

25% of prescribed drugs contain natural remedies in the USA.

Even medical professionals trust home remedies.

In Germany, a third of Medical Doctors have studied natural drugs.

Natural remedies are FDA approved otherwise they would not be able to be sold across the USA or worldwide for that matter.

I have friends in third world countries who cannot afford pharmaceutical drugs and use tribal medicine for things such as constipation, diarrhea, and fever.

“The Big Book of Home Remedies” explains to you over 100 illnesses in-depth and tells you more importantly how you could start to feel healthy again with remedies in Natural Health that are unique but proven.

You will not be full of chemicals that slow you down.

You will not be full of the feeling of numbness or other side-effects that prescribed drugs often give you.


If you buy This 387 page eBook you get your 415+ Bonus articles and your password to the Members area by email as soon as you have purchased this awesome ebook.

The Big Book of Home Remedies

I am an affiliate for this product. I will get a small commission for promoting this product and I promote it in good faith.

I would love it if you thought this article could be helpful to others if you would share it in your community. Many thanks in advance. 


How Do You Thrive? 5 Natural Ways to Thrive

How do you thrive?-5 natural ways to thrive

How do you thrive? 5 Natural Ways to Thrive

What does it mean to thrive?

According to standard definition, it means to grow, to flourish, to prosper.

This is a beautiful term, something that resonates deeply with anyone who wants to encourage and inspire wellness. 

In terms of wellness then, to thrive means that we are constantly encouraging wellness within ourselves, within our bodies, and of course, within our minds.

It is something we all aspire to develop throughout our lives. 

It is an overall sense of wellness and trust in ourselves that we will continue to grow in a positive manner as time passes, and be able to meet the challenges that lay ahead of us.

 To thrive is something beautiful and it is something that each of us can learn how to do. 

How Do We Thrive?

We thrive, quite simply by allowing ourselves to and by encouraging ourselves to do so. 

For some, this is easier said than done. 

There are many people who have tried to thrive, but who have faced too much difficulty in their lives, and they eventually give up believing because they think their life is just not cut out for it. 

For some, early difficulties in life have robbed them of their belief in their ability to thrive and seek professional help.

 Some may overcome their negative beliefs by finding a loving relationship. 

Sometimes, we enter really difficult times in our life when it just seems too hard- when we are grieving because of a death of a loved one or a relationship breakdown, or extreme financial difficulty or loss of a job at a late stage in life. 

I believe that all of us encounter times when we feel as if we are stagnating but there is no static cycle to thriving- the cycle between ups and downs may just be longer at times. 

Eventually, most of us get to a point where we think things have turned around and we are thriving and coping well with meeting life head on. 

 There are some things that we must understand about thriving, about constantly evolving, growing, and moving forward.

Knowing How To Thrive

To know how to thrive we must fully understand the process. Thriving, though the definition is of growing, prospering, and flourishing, is not always a case of thriving.

Sounds contradictory doesn’t it? Let me explain.

The tree that thrives in nature faces many obstacles.

 It faces potential destruction in its early stages by animals walking by that could possibly crush it underfoot. 

It has to compete with all the other trees and plants in the forest to get the sunlight it needs and even when it has fully matured still it must face gales and storms and through all of this, it must continue to strive towards thriving.

It can be seen then that thriving is not actually something that is achieved; rather it is something that one must aspire towards and to do that we must accept that we will face challenges.

Indeed in order to thrive it is essential that we face challenges and it is also essential that we overcome those challenges or at least have a mindset that will strive to overcome them.

practise positivity and gratitude

5 Natural Ways To Thrive

Motivate Yourself  

Without motivation, it is impossible to thrive. 

Motivation is inspired through passion, whether that is related to doing something for yourself or for others, maybe your passion relates to providing a future for your children. 

It doesn’t matter what motivates you, use your motivation to thrive. 

Use it to grow, and to push you to the next level.

If you follow your passion, it does not seem like hard work.

 'Do what you have to do until you do what you want to do' is a great saying by Oprah that I use to motivate me when I am doing my work online.

I don't try to compete with others who have been working online for many years so I listen to their wisdom and try to add my personal touches.

In terms of achieving my goals, there is a saying that has helped me and really sticks in my mind.

 'If you continue to work on your goals, you may or may not succeed but if you give up you definitely will fail.' 

 Everyone is different so this may not do it for you, but it certainly does it for me. 

freebie 10 step checklist How to stay motivated

Giving up on your goals and dreams equals 100% failure. So find a positivity quote that motivates you and hits home base for you.

Get this free 10 step checklist  How To Stay Motivated

thrive- develop resilience
For more reading on Resilience, visit this post

Accept all challenges 

When you are challenged, you are forced to thrive. 

This doesn’t mean that when somebody challenges you to a game of pool for example, and you win the match easily, that you are thriving.

No, a true challenge is something you find difficult, something that you cannot easily achieve, something that requires that you grow, or learn a new skill, or visit a new environment or face a fear, to achieve. 

This is true thriving, pushing your boundaries, expanding your limits, forcing yourself to thrive.

Another great quote that inspired me was 'If someone offers you a challenging task, say yes then figure out how to do it later.' 

This worked for me as I was a perfectionist and would shy away from things if I did not know the steps to get there!

thrive-face your fears
Face your fears 

Face Your Fears

Fears, in every case, are designed to limit us. 

By facing our fears, we are pushing ourselves into an area of life that we have been too afraid to visit. 

To truly thrive we must want to be able to do anything and we must be able to do everything without limitation.

 In order to do this, we must allow the formation of mental barriers to what life presents us with.

Everything that comes our way can be used as an opportunity to thrive and by facing our fears, we will make the most of every opportunity that does.

Early in my career as a teacher, our placements and many promotions were based on numerical rankings. 

When I shifted to another state, I had to attend job interviews for the first time and I was highly anxious. 

The way I got through this was to say to myself' 'what is the worst thing that can happen?'

 The answer, of course, was that I would not get the job but I would gain experience. 

However, by pushing and preparing myself, I am happy to say that I was successful at 5 job interviews! So it was certainly worth pushing through my fears and anxiety.

thrive- finding a balance physically and mentally


Balance your life from the perspective of ‘Body & Mind’.

 In order to truly thrive,  we must develop a way of life that promotes balance. 

If we cannot promote physical wellness then our mental wellness will struggle and the same goes in reverse. 

By developing balance physically and mentally, we allow our spirits to thrive.

I learnt the hard way as I let go of all the things I enjoyed and just focused on work....... and paid the price for it!

 My close friend said that I had undergone a complete personality transformation as I was trying to be an excellent teacher in autism (autism was new to me) and I was also trying to be there for a partner and elderly parents.

I can now understand things that were beyond my earlier understandings and I write from personal experience, not from a psychology or medical degree.

Thrive-develop harmony

Develop harmony

Harmony is something that is very important when it comes to thriving. 

Without harmony, we face too much opposition in the world, and this opposition leads to restriction of our ability to express ourselves.

If we cannot express ourselves freely, we cannot thrive.

 Learn to accept what happens around you and even within you.

Be selfless as it encourages harmony and not only will you thrive, but you will see that everyone else that you interact with will also, in their own way, will thrive.

Please like and share this post and don't forget to subscribe. 

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Finding a Balance Between Selfishness and Selflessness  

Finding a Balance between Selfishness and Selflessness

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